Maui Green Home
Our Yard and Gardens
Above is our swimming hole, Aug 2012

Our swimming hole... When the water wasn't flowing

And when the stream was really flowing!

One of the trails leading to the stream..

Stream Movie

A couple times a year we get a really heavy rain. It makes our stream run hard and muddy for a few days then it clears up again...

In February 2013 we had an extremely heavy rain with flooding all over the island.
Our stream was a scarey river! Way over its banks!

Looking down from our driveway.

From the driveway again a couple weeks later...

March 2013



Our Green Home
Green Home Updates
Building our  Green Bamboo House
Yard and Gardens
Green Stuff, around our house and Yard
Animal sanctuary / Cat Rescue
Green Links

Maui Green Home
Our Green Home Updates
Yard and Gardens
Animal sanctuary / Cat Rescue
Building our Green Bamboo House
Green Stuff, around our house and Yard
Green Links


Bio-Beetle ECO Rental Cars