Maui Green Home
Our Yard and Gardens
Flower Garden

Picture above is from early 2014

this one is 2013




What I call my flower garden, really isn't a flower garden...
I don't have any flowers in it!
It is primarily non flowering plants, but still very colorful.



Same spot. 2014

Mom always helps out around the yard when she is here...

There are lots of Red Tea or Ti plants and green Ti plants too.

Aeonium succulent, (the original from my friend Camille)

Different Crotons

Beening in Hawaii I have to grow Pineapples.

Just cut the top off of your pineapple,
Let it sit a few days then stick it in a little dirt!
It is a bromeliad, so it does not want rich soil.
I've even gotten them to grow in a pot of finely crushed glass!

Look at the base of the pineapple, another one has started...

Purple and green Oyster Plant

Peachy huge bromeliads

Elephant ear plants
Which unfortunatley, wild pigs like to dig up and eat the root!




Snake Plant (Mother in law tongue)


Our Green Home
Green Home Updates
Building our  Green Bamboo House
Yard and Gardens
Green Stuff, around our house and Yard
Animal sanctuary / Cat Rescue
Green Links

Worlds smallest Pineapple!

A bromeliad Flower

Banana Trees propogate themselves, starting new trees around their base.

My Orchid Bucket.
I rescued 3, single orchids two years ago, from the trash, and just stuck them in a pot.

Colorful Pineapple

Maui Green Home
Our Green Home Updates
Yard and Gardens
Animal sanctuary / Cat Rescue
Building our Green Bamboo House
Green Stuff, around our house and Yard
Green Links


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