Green Home on Maui

2024 Updates

Spotted Axis deer with antlers in yard on green grass by red ti plants and green trees

Axis deer in yard!

close up of Spotted Axis deer with antlers in yard on green grass by red ti plants

bench on the side of the hill

Replaced old Picnic table with table and chairs from garage sale

bench on the side of the hill

Put in a bench on the side of the hill

clothesline made from old tent, with sheets on it

Old clothesline broke so put in a new one out of a tent that didnt have a cover...

orange table outside with plants on top and green trees in back

Replaced old tables

orange table outside with plants on top and green trees in back

black bench on concrete blocks by green plants and red tis

Added bench by valley

green home logo
blue tarp on stream bed with green plants all around

Laid a blue tarp on the drainage stream

flowers and green plants next to black weed cloth and tub outside

Garden behind the house by the tub

Crested Cardinal on bird feeder

Crested cardinal

small jackfruit tree in fence surrounded by green plants

Jackfruit tree planted. The deer ate it way back, so I surrounded it with a fence. Did a lot of planting outside the yard fence, but Deer and pigs ate and trampled almost everything...

rainbow eucalyptus tree falling with man and chainsaw cutting it down

Sadly, removed a rainbow Eucalyptus tree next to the RV, so not to have branches fall on it.